The Almost Gone tells the story of a little girl who accidentally fell into the afterlife. You will need to help her find a way out of there, solving various puzzles, and also to figure out her short life. Put this irresistible story together by revealing objects and memories, decipher clues, and discover more of the story and its dark secrets. From your home to the terribly deserted streets, beautiful apartment buildings for ominous abandoned hospitals - you'll be looking for a clue.

Features of The Almost Gone:
Experience the amazingly exciting story written by award-winning author Joost Vandecasteele
Explore every nook and cranny of every beautifully designed diorama
Complete five compelling chapters, each of which reveals new secrets and twists that will lead you to the truth.
From a modest living room to a tent in the woods, from a police car in a tree to an abandoned hospital - a seemingly innocent suburb for you

To install the App, you have to go to the settings of the smartphone and click on the security option, then enable unknown sources.
APK File Information:
File name The Almost Gone
version 1.0.8
Uploaded July 1,2020
File size
APK        : 120 MB
Minimum Requirement Android 6.0 and Up

Download The Almost Gone - 1.0.8 apk For Android 

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