Sky: Children of the World - a magical adventure on Android, which is worth passing along with your friends. Welcome to the enchanting world of Heaven - a beautiful kingdom that is waiting to meet you and your loved ones. In Sky: Children of the Light, you will control an unnamed character - the "spirit of light", with which you will travel to different locations. And your task is to return the stars home.

In the kingdom of heaven you can:

Soar and explore 7 fabulous worlds in search of clues
Meet and chat with friendly players from around the world
Show your sense of taste by changing the look of your character
Team up with other players, go to dark worlds, save spirits and find ancient treasures
Give gifts in appreciation and strengthen friendship
Enjoy wonderful music and create it with other players
Become a part of a growing world in which there will always be something new: from seasonal events to the expansion of worlds

To install the App, you have to go to the settings of the smartphone and click on the security option, then enable unknown sources.
APK File Information:
File name Sky: Children of the Light
version 0.10.1 (151555) 
Uploaded July 19,2020
File size
APK        : 896 MB
Minimum Requirement Android 8.0 and Up
mod info:
Full apk 

Download Sky: Children of the Light Full apk For Android 

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