Archero – adventure game where you explore the world and fight evil. In this game you will play the role of an Archer – the only force which is able to repel the forces of evil. Travel and explore beautiful worlds where you at every step will lie in wait for enemies and obstacles. Use a variety of skills of the Archer, which will allow you to go through all the dungeons of the game. On your way you will meet a thousand unseen monsters and lots of puzzles which force you to break down. Suck your hero during the game and achieve excellent results.
To install the App, you have to go to the settings of the smartphone and click on the security option, then enable unknown sources.
APK File Information:
File name Archero
version 2.0.1
Uploaded July 19,2020
File size
APK        : 103 MB
Minimum Requirement Android 5.0 and Up
mod info:
Mega mod (activate before loading level):
- 65k HP
- Big damage

Download Archero - apk mod For Android 

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