Smartphone Battery issues

Smartphone Battery issues

As now days the smartphones are equipped with powerful mobile operating systems like Android, iOS, Windows Phone, etc. The Smartphones provide you the wide range of services but battery life has always been a concern for developers, manufacturers and the users themselves.
Instead of being waiting and waiting for the hardware development to catch up with this problem. We should concentrate on finding the alternatives to conserve the battery life. We suggest you some tips to conserve the battery life of a Smartphone.
Tweak display brightnessbrightness
Smartphone displays always very power consumption part of the device. Because of the display quality and pixel depth , it varies within phones.So  we need  to tweak the display first if we looking best battery lasting. First we need to turn of the auto brightness in devices ( you may think the auto brightness is designed to decrease the power consumption ).Its because there is a light sensor working in every sequence time to check the light . It takes a little percentage of battery .Sometimes it wont needed to control the brightness. So turn off the sensor . Most of the phones had the notification panel to easy control the phone settings . In case of android devices You can find different apps for it . Recent Apple devices had control center too. There you can find a fast way to change the display brightness manually.
If you use screen guards , then use clear screen guards. Don't use Matt,smooth( i don't know other names) screen guards. Its a semi transparent  material. More than 20 percentage of texture details and brightness will down by using these type of screen guards. You need to use more brightness to use your phone. Clear screen guards are better .
Turn off the GPS function
Basically we wont need the Global positioning system in our phone . Yes it helps to identify which place we taken the pictures and videos and locate the phone if we lost it.In case of pictures and videos we can group it  while we takes the pics .There are lots of Apps and settings to group the media we taken . now About stolen devices , We all know about  I.M.E.I ( International Mobile Station Equipment Identity). Every working phones has this 15 digit number  in it. Without  I.M.E.I  our phone will  unable to register  cellular network. It means your phone not works. So mostly  we don't need the GPS tracking to find the phone unless we have memory power issues.
Cellular Data function tweaking
99 percentage of smartphone users  needed internet service. internet connectivity through WiFi is less battery consumable considering internet connectivity through cellular Data. it uses more battery,especially using 3G or L.T.E (4G) service. C.D.M.A  data service also same . In this case we can always save battery usage by turning off cellular data   functions. Try using 2G connection when no need for fast internet connection. Most phones  has a control shortcut for cellular data function on notification panel . Except apple devices . I think mostly apple users uses WiFi connectivity. That's why apple still didn't added cellular toggle on control center panel.
Tweaking Background apps
because of background  apps all smartphones are wasting  Lots of energy . Especially while we don't uses the phone. Its the easiest way to tweak this part but no one even consider about it . all smartphones has a Hotkey to see background apps list and close it from background. By doing that it clear RAM memory and save the battery power too . In  apple devices , they providing  stable and most effective background process clearing  function. but in android devices it varies with smartphone company and OS version. But there are lots of  Advanced background app clearing apps in both Market .
Turn the phone off  while charging
Only do this if it's going to be for several hours; turning a phone on/off actually uses a massive amount of power itself. This will probably be the most effective and simple way of conserving your battery’s power. Why? This will help conserve energy and also charge your phone. If you don't plan on answering the phone while you're sleeping or after business hours, just turn it off. Do the same if you are in an area with poor or no reception (such as a subway or remote area, since constantly searching for service depletes the battery fairly quickly.) Some phones have an automatic power save feature, but it takes about 30 minutes with no service to kick in. By then, much battery power has been used. If you don't need to receive or make calls but are using a smartphone as a PDA, disable the phone functionality (flight mode).